USA Import

Courier, Timed Courier, Freight.

We offer a Next day courier service from NYC to LHR or a 2 day service from the rest of the USA. Imports are monitored from collection to inbound into LHR.

We contact the shipper to confirm the goods are ready, email a shipping label and despatch a driver to collect the goods.

Paperwork is checked at our JFK warehouse, and packages are processed for return on the next available courier flight to LHR.

Special Import Services

  • Hotel collection
  • Exhibition collection
  • High Value collection

Freight Import

Clearance and Booking

Please ensure your customer has a valid EORI number which is required on import for clearance. We have a USA Import form this details all the information needed to make a collection in the USA. Please instruct at the time of booking if goods are UK return or temporary import or a Trans-shipment to a country outside the EU.

IT Integration

Our system will talk to yours.


We understand that Integration is key to providing a seamless service. Updates can be tailored and pods will upload automatically, if you need a daily/weekly report we can set it up for you.

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